Robert C. Best III

118 Leroy St. Apt. N2
Potsdam, NY 13676
(315) 265-0930


A self-starter who learns rapidly, works accurately, and can work either independently or with others.

Computer Experience and Accomplishments

Student Computing Consultant at Distributed Computing SUNY Potsdam for 2 years.

Computer Programmer for SUNY Potsdam.

Sole Computer Consultant for Residences Life Department at SUNY Potsdam for 1 year.

Computer Programmer and Consultant at Best Consulting Services, Russell, NY 1991 - 93.

Secretary of the Potsdam College Macintosh User Group, Potsdam, NY 1991 - present.

Leadership Experience

Instructor of weekly hands-on workshop, SUNY Potsdam. Taught beginner and intermediate computer training classes.

Assistant Manager of Dairy Queen, Phoenix, Arizona, 1987 - 91.

Community Service - Volunteer at SUNY Potsdam Child Care Center, Potsdam, NY 1993 - 94.
Education - B.A. Potsdam College of SUNY Potsdam, NY 1996.
Majors: Computer Information Sciences and Education.
References - Written references provided at your request.